James Coyle

Most commented posts

  1. Seasons and Life — 12 comments
  2. Vicki Receives Communications Award — 10 comments
  3. Vicki’s the Cover Girl on Faith Magazine — 10 comments
  4. Nothing is Second Nature Anymore — 9 comments
  5. Spoken from the Heart — 9 comments

Author's posts

Do Not Ask Me To Remember

Do not ask me to remember

When we saw it, Vicki and I each wanted to share this message with you. It captures this time in Vicki’s life so clearly.

Permanent link to this article: https://vickisvoice.tv/2014/03/ask-remember/

Dementia + Drug Treatments: Complicated at Best

I fired up the laptop to write a post about a report our friend John Sandblom shared with Vicki about higher mortality risks with antipsychotic drugs often used with older dementia patients (U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s Public Health Advisory: Deaths with Antipsychotics in Elderly Patients with Behavioral Disturbances; later confirmed in Europe). But my post …

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Permanent link to this article: https://vickisvoice.tv/2013/11/dementia-drug-treatments-complicated-at-best/

Elbow Texting: Call for Help

Roller Coaster

I’ve been visiting Vicki for a few days. When I arrived, Vicki was having one of the best days she’d had in quite a while. I haven’t seen her with this much energy in a long time. She told me she’d had a great visit with her daughters the evening before, and was enjoying a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://vickisvoice.tv/2013/08/elbow-texting-call-for-help/

July 17: Anniversary of a Diagnosis

  Four years ago, July 17, 2009, Vicki Wells Bedard and her daughter Beth were at the doctor’s office to receive results of Vicki’s recent medical tests. On that day, Vicki wrote this and more in her journal:   I sat before Dr. Bazoki, with Beth, and we conversed like over coffee. “Your mother has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://vickisvoice.tv/2013/07/july-17-anniversary-of-a-diagnosis/

A Wedding Celebration!

On Friday, a mutual friend and I escorted Vicki to her oldest grandchild Zack Whaley’s wedding – the family’s first wedding of their generation. The weather couldn’t have been better for the ceremony on the shore of Lake Michigan. The wedding was a wonderful celebration. And it was extra-special for Vicki who didn’t think she’d …

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Permanent link to this article: https://vickisvoice.tv/2013/06/a-wedding-celebration/