Category: My Story

Resting My Eyes

A few months ago I visited Vicki for the first time since 2019. Even though we’d stayed in touch electronically during the pandemic, it was so good to be together again in real life! Many of you know how that feels: we’ve been riding the same roller coaster. I was reminded that Vicki has taken …

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Happy Birthday — to Me!

young Vicki with a doll

It’s the eve of my 70th birthday. I can’t remember how I got here, but here it is. Age is but a number, I’ve heard. A BIG number (laughing to myself). But not here. Here at “The Villa” I’m a kid. Daily I nearly get mowed down by 90 year olds, scooterless, walker-free adults who …

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At Home

Vickis Home at Christmas

It has always brought me peace, whether pulling in the driveway or sitting on my porch. My prayer was to never leave here. My last journey would lead from here. I fought so hard to keep this home, but got ill, and slowly withdrew to within its 4 walls. David Rosenberg, dear friend, fought with me, …

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Another Spring!

We made it through another Michigan winter! Trees are going from bare to budding to new leaves. Snowblowers are hibernating while lawnmowers come back to life. You can hear the sound of someone mowing their lawn: Another Spring – and we’re still here. Thank you, Papa. Vicki  

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Days Like This

Leaves Turning Colours

This early October day was blooming more beautifully than the weather people said it would. From my bedroom window at 8 o’clock this morning, there were some clouds but a blue sky and the sun fell across my bed, waking Beanni and me at the same time.  It’s so good to see the world from our perch every …

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