The day was more-or-less OK. A week ago, a dentist read the article that Faith Magazine wrote about me, my illness … stuff. He called and said he wasn’t sure what he could do to help, but his specialty was creating ‘mouth guards’ (that is not the word, but close) and wondered how my sleep was, etc.
The answer to his questions was mostly ‘yes, I have that’ or just plain ‘no, I don’t know’. He said if I wanted he would drive over to MY house (about 90 minutes from where he lived) and would cast and create this thing that I will use when I sleep.
At first I was a bit nervous. I didn’t know him. But true to his word, he brought all his equipment with him, and by golly! I had one of those thingies to go to bed with that night. And the cost? Nothing. Dr. Wally will be placed forever in my heart.
There have been a lot of surprises of the heart. Yesterday my Eucharist ministers went to Mickey D’s to get me a Sausage Egg McMuffin. So I was fed spiritually, and physically.
I’m getting more & stronger muscle reactions. The new med to help the tremors, seems to have helped a lot, but the tremors were a signal to me to be ready for something bigger to happen. Most of the day my face kept grimacing. The tension and pulling hurt. But I’m staying calmer these days when they happen.
On Facebook, I was looking up some of my friends, and there was one that I had been especially close to over the years. At the time I was moving, her husband died. And I’ve been praying that she might find someone. She is so special. And, it looks like she has. She glows in the photos, looks younger, happier.
And I am envious. That was my dream, to reach this point in my life where I am financially well off, and find my soul mate. I really thought it could happen. I could have years with someone as my spouse.
If it were a choice of who of us should find love again, I’d vote it should be her. But it wasn’t a choice. And that gets me upset. A lot of what has happened in the past few years would not be my choice.
But, you knew that, Papa, didn’t you? It’s me, Vicki, feeling sorry for myself again.
And Lord, bless her and the new love in her life, please.
You share from your heart, Vicki, and we are richer for sharing your life. Your candor, honesty and love for other people shines through – like a light in the darkness. Thank you for being a model for us … and for being Vicki.
VW. From what I have read in your blog posts and seen on your Facebook Pages you have a great many soul mates. Enjoy them all as they do you.
Hi Vicki, that dentist sounds such a good person Your special friend with a new relationship ~ hope they will be very happy. Who knows whom you may meet? Meanwhile ….. Hugs from me Freda x